"Every Woman is beautiful. You are no exception."

Isolda, House on Plunkett Street by Lorena Bathey

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What I Love About Writing

Literature or Chickens
Literature or Chickens (Photo credit: Blue387)
A few years ago I decided to be a novelist. Writers have been doing this throughout the ages and my decision wasn't exactly original. Many artistic people try walking the road of the creative.

But choosing to write full time was considered by many I knew as either a bold choice or a foolish one. Some said "Have something to fall back on." Others said, "Very brave choice, how will you survive." Some said, "What are you, CRAZY?" And  still others said, "Way to go, I wish I could do that."

I think the most monumental perk of my decision was the minute I said I wanted to write then the ideas, characters, and stories started flowing. It was if they had all be locked behind a wall running in place until I let them out. Once they were out I've had quite a workout getting all the ideas in order quick enough that they don't run out of my brain never to be heard of again.

This was my chance I believe. Choosing to do what I am completely passionate about was the smart thing to do. Was it the well liked choice by others, not really. But I think we have to remember something vitally important...this is OUR life. We are to decide how it is lived. And deciding brings real change to your life.

Lorena Bathey
Lorena B Books

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A student who shows her body as art. He favorite part was her mind. She moved like a dancer.