"Every Woman is beautiful. You are no exception."

Isolda, House on Plunkett Street by Lorena Bathey

Friday, December 16, 2011

Today I received the Liebster Blog award from Melissa Ringsted who has been an amazing follower of my writing and even gave my recent novel, House on Plunkett Street a FIVE star review. To see it go to Review of House on Plunkett Street

Her blog has wonderful reviews so please go and follow her at There for You

Now as per the rules, I need to find five bloggers with under 200 followers to promote. So here you go:

http://www.mariashandmadelove.com/ Maria's blog is wonderful will all kinds of great insights, reviews, and thoughts.

http://travelswithmycoach.com/ Lynn Moore's hilarious accounts of coaching and life

http://www.thedenialshow.com/ Susan Alexander's accounts of what's in the news and how ridiculous it is. Funny stuff.

http://www.susyflory.com/category/blog/ Susy Flory is a New York Times best selling author and has battled breast cancer and life. Her blog is real and will get a chuckle out of you.

http://www.catherinecavendish.com/ A writer who also interviews other authors. Makes for great reading and I love her blog background!

So there's my five. Please visit and follower and pass it on!


Monday, December 12, 2011

Steps to no insecurities!

Everyday we have to deal with our inner demons. You know the ones. The voices in our heads that say, "You're too fat..stupid...not brave enough...scared..etc." We can all fill in the blanks with our own insecurities.

So how do you keep those little demons from talking in our ear and preventing our growth and success in life?

I think we need to approach it like an addiction, you know with steps. AA has twelve and perhaps we can start with a few of those.

First step, acknowledge you have a demon/insecurity and what it is. Even more, understand that you really are quite powerless against it's control in your life. Once you've done that then you are better equipped to actually make change. Because admitting you have this insecurity might bring up not only stuff from present day but a lot of emotions from the past.

Next step, once you acknowledge it, you need to kinda give it up. How you do that can be in a multitude of ways.  Through faith, yoga, meditation, screaming from the roof whatever you choose. Or maybe you realize that these insecurities only define you if you let them. Take a piece of paper and write the insecurity on it, and then have a bonfire and burn them. Free yourself from their power by knowing they are only demons and aren't real. They are only words someone said or things you believed, not true facts.

Make amends. In AA they make amends to those that they have harmed. In this case, we're gonna make amends to ourselves. Amends for the times we've shorted ourselves out of something we didn't believe we deserved. The time we didn't take a chance with something or someone we wanted because we didn't think we were good enough. Or maybe even make amends for not taking the chance to be passionate about anything in our lives. Whatever we've cheated ourselves, apologize to yourself for it.

And lastly, honor yourself and let go of the demon/insecurity that you've let rule your life so far. It isn't the truth, it's usually only one person's opinion. Be brave and change that mindset, and go out there and be different. Small steps at first, but once you do something completely brave, applaud yourself. One step will lead to another and so on until you're soon striding towards an absolutely new destination.

Steps are a good way to begin to manufacture change in your life. Admitting to yourself that you have issues that need to be addressed means you've grown up enough to change. Then congratulate yourself when you do something different than before...it's huge and the beginning of breaking the cycle.

Okay, so repeat after me....I _______ have a problem with _______ and as such I am now releasing the hold that this insecurity has on me. I now will choose to take an action based on truth rather than someones else opinion. I ______ will give myself a big high five when I act in a new and powerful way.

You are now on your way. And for the record, I think you're amazing!


Friday, December 9, 2011

What is inspiration?

I remember watching the movie Xanadu when I was younger, you remember the roller skating muses that inspired the Venice Beach artist? Olivia Newton John was the muse he fell in love with. But all I only really saw were the cool outfits and the roller skating. The muses...it was easy to believe in them. Why?

Probably because I was young. But at the age I am now, after living a lot of life, I do believe in muses, angels, or inspiration. I believe because I have experienced it firsthand.

I believe because I have let inspiration move me to find the love of my life. Let inspiration pull me to write and publish three books. And that muse inspiried me to create a stable of new novels ready to be written.

But mostly, I have been inspired to understand that, as a woman, it is imperative that I know that I am beautiful. I am graceful and amazing. I am confident and capable. I am beautiful, just the way I am.

This blog is to bring together a long held belief that woman are the first to abdicate themselves, their needs, and their passions in lieu of others needs, passions, or desires. Following your dreams is just as important as what you eat. Passion, dreams, and inspiration feed you, make you grow, and drive you to become more.

This blog will be two-fold. First heartfelt and experienced situations that I will write about. Second, a posting of photographs of real women, in all walks of life, in their most beautiful face - being themselves.

I hope you join me on the journey. I hope you find some inspiration along the way that will lead to your own transformation.



A student who shows her body as art. He favorite part was her mind. She moved like a dancer.