"Every Woman is beautiful. You are no exception."

Isolda, House on Plunkett Street by Lorena Bathey

Friday, December 9, 2011

What is inspiration?

I remember watching the movie Xanadu when I was younger, you remember the roller skating muses that inspired the Venice Beach artist? Olivia Newton John was the muse he fell in love with. But all I only really saw were the cool outfits and the roller skating. The muses...it was easy to believe in them. Why?

Probably because I was young. But at the age I am now, after living a lot of life, I do believe in muses, angels, or inspiration. I believe because I have experienced it firsthand.

I believe because I have let inspiration move me to find the love of my life. Let inspiration pull me to write and publish three books. And that muse inspiried me to create a stable of new novels ready to be written.

But mostly, I have been inspired to understand that, as a woman, it is imperative that I know that I am beautiful. I am graceful and amazing. I am confident and capable. I am beautiful, just the way I am.

This blog is to bring together a long held belief that woman are the first to abdicate themselves, their needs, and their passions in lieu of others needs, passions, or desires. Following your dreams is just as important as what you eat. Passion, dreams, and inspiration feed you, make you grow, and drive you to become more.

This blog will be two-fold. First heartfelt and experienced situations that I will write about. Second, a posting of photographs of real women, in all walks of life, in their most beautiful face - being themselves.

I hope you join me on the journey. I hope you find some inspiration along the way that will lead to your own transformation.


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A student who shows her body as art. He favorite part was her mind. She moved like a dancer.